
Intestinal Cleansing

Parasites are fast becoming the root cause of many seemingly unrelated disorders, according to experts.  In fact, estimates predict that more than half of the world's population will eventually be infected by some type of parasitic disease.  Symptons such as migraines, teeth grinding at night, respiratory problems, etc. may all be a result of parasitic involvement.  Now, we all have a simple and convenient way to fight back.

To access an arsenal of information about parasites, pick up the book titled, Guess What Came to Dinner: Parasites and Your Health, from best-selling author and America's most respected nutritionist, Ann Louise Gittleman.

Products Available:

Product Descriptions:

Intestinal Cleaning System  out-of-stock
Made to help support, detoxify, and maintain the health of the intestinal tract.  This incredible product uses time-tested pH balancing techniques with herbs and botanicals traditionally used for parasitic control.  Each box contains easy-to-take capsules and a lemon-flavored tincture to ensure maximum benefit.
Item #3680A     90 capsules & 1 fl. oz. tincture
Retail Price: $40     Our Price: $26 

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